As discussed in a previous blog post, I recently purchased some vintage copies of the 1959 NRA basic pistol instructor and student books, and received permission from NRA to scan and share them freely. The 1959 student book download link is in this blog post.
The 1959 Basic Pistol instructor book can be downloaded here. The NRA owns the copyright to this NRA book. The content is over sixty years old, and should be used for historical purposes. The content does not reflect the NRA’s current position on any matter, and should be not be used in lieu of modern training materials.

The focus of the book is on instructing students in one handed bullseye shooting with .22 and .38 caliber guns.

Some training techniques recommended in this book would not be acceptable under modern safety standards.

Perhaps the most interesting part of the book is the 3 page list of testing questions. Download the book to see the entire list.