Do Aftermarket Mods Help You Shoot Better?

I’m a big advocate of upgrading sights and trigger parts on factory guns, and changing the controls and grips to make manipulation of the gun easier. One giant weak spot of the gun culture is that most of the advice that’s given to others about equipment is nothing but anecdote and opinion. “You should get …

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The KRT Target Series

Over the past few years we have developed three targets for use in classes. This post shares downloadable images of those targets that you can print out and use. KRT-1 The KRT-1 is mainly used for the 16x16x16 drill. You can buy full size copies from Action Target, but if you want to print a …

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Small changes

The discussion today is all about making big changes in response to the recent active shooter events. Most of those big changes will not occur, and particularly with regard to gun control measures, even if they do occur they are incredibly unlikely to prevent future events. I have to wonder how many guns were in …

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Book Review – Breakthrough Marksmanship (Ben Stoeger, 2019)

Multi-time USPSA and IPSC champion shooter Ben Stoeger recently published another book, Breakthrough Marksmanship. This book is all about troubleshooting. As Ben puts it: There is a disconnect between what happens and why it happens for many shooters. Connecting the dots between what happens and why it happens is complex, and that’s the reason most …

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Book Review – The Secrets of Double Action Shooting (Bob Nichols, 1950)

Bob Nichols published this book, “The Secrets of Double Action Shooting” back in 1950, in an era where most handgun shooting was one handed bullseye, or point shooting (unsighted) from the hip. Nichols was ahead of his time, advocating for handgunners training for personal defense to transition from thumb cocking to double action technique. The …

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Tactics and Shooting Matches

Awhile back I posted this as part of an online discussion about “tactics” and shooting competition. Those that worry about “tactics” at matches usually haven’t shot enough matches, or gotten good enough at matches, to understand what is going on. The shooters that win at major matches are good at looking at a stage, quickly …

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STI Factory Tour

From assistant instructor Tracy Thronburg: STI FACTORY TOUR 07 June 2019 By Tracy Becker Thronburg The north and south Austin chapters of A Girl and A Gun were fortunate to get to tour the STI handgun factory on a recent Friday in June. There were approximately 22 AGAG members in attendance. Dustin Tackett, a regional …

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Student incident AAR

I recently received this email from a student, relating an incident involving a potential robbery in a Home Depot parking lot. He’s given me permission to share his original email and excerpts from our discussion of it, with his name omitted. Well, I actually had to use escalation/de-escalation verbal and physical skills yesterday, skill sets …

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The 16x16x16 drill

The 16x16x16 drill: 16 rounds at 16 feet within 16 seconds, onto a KRT-1 Target. To set up, divide 16 rounds between two magazines; it does not have to be 8 and 8, in fact it’s encouraged to have an unknown and varying round count between the two magazines. Load the gun with one of …

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Labeling canvas gun cases

I have a lot of my pistols in canvas & fabric gun cases, particularly the LA Police Gear cases.  I use those cases to keep all the mags and misc. parts, and manuals together with the guns.  A lot of those guns are used as loaners when students need them for classes, and I’ve gone …

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