Welcome to the KR Training December 2018 newsletter!
Class dates for February are set and March classes are in development. Don’t miss the opportunity to sign up now for any classes on the schedule. As the days get longer and the weather warms up, classes will fill quickly. Check the schedule page on the KR Training website for the full list of upcoming classes.
If you aren’t already a subscriber to receive this newsletter each month, you can subscribe here or follow this blog. You can also follow KR Training on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or subscribe to this blog for more frequent posts and information.
- Jan 5-6 – Preparedness Seminar 1 and Preparedness Seminar 2 for $260
- Jan 12 – Basic Pistol 1 and Gun Cleaning and Maintenance for $120
- Jan 13 – Handgun Coaching and Texas License To Carry for $100
- Jan 26-27 Active Shooter/School Safety – teachers attend for half price ($200), school administrators attend for FREE
- Feb 2 – Basic Pistol 2 and Defensive Pistol Skills 1 for $160
Must pay in full in advance to get the discounts.
Start your new year off right by attending one or both days of preparedness training with Paul Martin, the KR Training staff, and some special guests!
Saturday January 5 is the “everything except guns” day (Preparedness Seminar 1)- medical from Dr. Ben Weger, kubaton w/ Tracy Thronburg, fitness with John Daub, chainsaws with John Kochan, and multiple sessions from Paul on a variety of preparedness topics. $160
Sunday January 6 is the “nothing but guns” day (Preparedness Seminar 2) – a mix of lecture, live fire and scenario training covering topics specific to preparedness, focusing on how the prepper can better assist the untrained/undertrained in their lives with gun selection, firearms skills and team tactics in an emergency. Immersive Training Solutions will be bringing their full screen video simulator and everyone will get to run at least one scenario on that. Paul and Karl will also run a “Get Home Bag” live fire/medical scenario that incorporates multiple skills and gear. $160
Sign up for both days, pay in full in advance and get the discounted price of $250.
We are hosting internationally known Texas-based trainer Hock Hockheim January 19-20. The class will be a mix of training across multiple disciplines: unarmed, knife, stick, gun. No prior martial arts training experience is necessary to attend. The Hand, Hock, knife gun course is a bargain for 2 days at $199.
Jan 12th is beginner day, with Basic Pistol 1 and Gun Cleaning and Maintenance. Take both for the discount price of $120.
Jan 13th is “my new year’s resolution was to get my carry permit” day, with Handgun Coaching in the morning and Texas License To Carry in the afternoon. Take both for the discount price of $100. We do not plan to offer the LTC course very often in 2019 so those wanting to take the course from Karl should take advantage of this opportunity.
Another option for completing the carry permit training is to take the classroom portion online. We recommend the Point Blank CHL online course. Those completing the online portion can attend the Handgun Coaching course on Jan 13, which ends with the LTC qualification course of fire. That course meets state requirements for the 2 hours of in-person range time training required for the “blended” LTC course. We are also working to develop our own online LTC course.
Another session of the state-certified Active Shooter/School Safety class is scheduled for Jan 26-27. This course is suitable for anyone interested in armed active shooter response. For this session we intend to bring Immersive Training Solutions out on day 2 so students can run the active shooter program on their full screen (indoor) video simulator. $400 for the 2 day course. Teachers attend for half price ($200). School administrators attend for free.
All events at the A-Zone Range unless noted otherwise
- Preparedness Seminar 1 – Jan 5, 9a-5p, Paul Martin, John Daub, John Kochan, Ben Weger, Tracy Thronburg, $160
- Preparedness Seminar 2 (firearms) – Jan 6, 9a-5p, Karl Rehn, Paul Martin, Immersive Training Solutions, $160
- Basic Pistol 1 – Jan 12 9a-12, Karl Rehn, $80
- Gun Cleaning and Maintenance – Jan 12, 1p-3p, Karl Rehn, $50
- Handgun Coaching – Jan 13, 9a-11p, Karl Rehn, $60
- Texas License To Carry – Jan 13, 12-5p, Karl Rehn, $80
- Hand, Hock, knife gun – Jan 19-20, Hock Hockheim, $199
- Active Shooter (School Safety) – Jan 26-27, Karl Rehn, Immersive Training Solutions, $400
- Basic Pistol 2 – Feb 2, 8a-12p, Daub, $100
- Defensive Pistol Skills 1 – Feb 2, 1p-5p, Daub, $100
- Defensive Pistol Skills 3 – Feb 9, 8a-2p, Rehn, $120
- Personal Tactics Skills – Feb 9, 2p-5p, Rehn, $60
- Historical Handgun (one day) – Feb 10, 9a-5p, Rehn, $200
- Two Person Team Tactics – Feb 16, 9a-5p, John Murphy, $200
- Vehicle Environment Skills – Feb 17, 9a-5p, John Murphy, $200
- Defensive Pistol Skills 2 – March 2, 8a-12p, Rehn, $100
- Advanced Training 2 Scenarios – March 2, 1p-5p, Rehn, $100
- Low Light Shooting 1 – March 2, 6p-9p, Rehn, $75
You can also follow KR Training on Facebook or Twitter to see our favorite blog content from other authors as we post it. Here’s a list of what we’ve shared since the November newsletter:
- Weekend Knowledge Dump: December 21, 2018 – Greg Ellifritz, Active Response Training
- Jingle Bells, Ballistically Speaking – Guns.com
- Officers Had No Duty to Protect Students in Parkland Massacre, Judge Rules – NYTimes.com
- Weekend Knowledge Dump: December 14, 2018 – Greg Ellifritz, Active Response Training
- Meta: Critical Skills and Goals for Personal Protection – GrowingUpGuns.com
- The Top 10 Reasons You Should Own an AR-15 Rifle – Mark Overstreet, The Federalist
- Woo Who? – Misfires and Light Strikes
- APA Study Shows Irresponsible Media Coverage Doubles Mass Shootings – Slowfacts.com
- Deliberate Practice – Claude Werner, The Tactical Professor
Here’s a list of what’s new on the KR Training blog since the November newsletter:
- Stop practicing shooting – response to this Street Standards blog post
- Labeling canvas gun cases
- Shooting the Dallas PD qualification course of fire
Registration is open for all classes on the KR Training schedule. Weekday private lessons are still available on a limited basis.
Thank you for sending your friends and family to train with us. Your referrals keep our classes full and help us continue to offer in-demand classes that specifically address the needs of responsible armed citizens. Remember, now you can train with even more purpose through the KR Training Defensive Pistol Skills Program. Start working to earn your coin now.
We look forward to training you!
Karl, Penny and the KR Training team