KR Training December 2019 Newsletter

Welcome to the KR Training December 2019 newsletter!

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year from the crew at KR Training. As you’re recovering, take a look at some new classes we’ve added to the training schedule for 2020. Some of these will fill quickly, so don’t hesitate to register in advance.


We’ve added more classes to the schedule. Register now to reserve your spot. Courses marked with an asterisk (*) are Defensive Pistol Skills challenge program core courses and ALL the courses taught by KR Training staff can be counted toward the “elective” hours needed to earn your coin.


We are offering the DPS-certified Active Shooter course Jan 11-12, with the FREE ALERRT Civilian Response to Active Shooter lecture as the first 4 hours of that class. We won’t offer the Active Shooter course again until summer 2020.

New student and half-price refresher slots are available in DPS-3, Basic Pistol 2, and DPS-1, scheduled for Saturdays in January/early February. Got a new gun or holster for Christmas? These courses are great for breaking in and testing out new gear. Or take advantage of the refresher pricing to be a training partner for a friend or family member that needs training beyond the carry permit level.

A-ZONE Classes – Jan-Mar 2020



Want to get prepared for storms and other emergencies, but don’t know how?
Do you wish someone would just tell you what you need to purchase and what you need to do? Do want to get reasonably prepared in as little as a weekend?

On Saturday, February 8th, Paul Martin will be offering a FREE presentation of his Rapid Preparedness Program, offered by the Austin Preparedness MeetUp. It will be at the Riverbend Church Student Center on Hwy 360, from 9a-330p. Attendees will receive valuable handouts and spread sheets to help them get quickly prepared for extended emergencies.  By the time you leave this training, you will have a blueprint on what you need to do and how to get it done quickly! Our goal is to take out all of the guesswork and provide you with proven recommendations and suggestions you can quickly implement over a weekend to get your family ready.


We have added a new course: Handgun Coach Development, teaching hands on skills not covered well (or at all) in instructor certification classes. The first session of that class will be on Feb 8th. Other classes of interest to instructors and coaches coming up this spring include:

* to attend NRA CCW instructor you must be an NRA Basic Pistol instructor and have taken the NRA CCW student class. Either the DPS-3 class Jan 18 or the Apr 17 NRA CCW student course meet the CCW student class requirement.


Our newest assistant instructor, Doug Greig, will be offering LTC, handgun and rifle classes in Caldwell and Conroe, Texas. If the other classes we have listed don’t fit your schedule or location, take a look at Doug’s schedule for other KR Training-approved options.


Blog-o-rama will return in 2020. The best way to keep up with the interesting links we share is to follow KR Training on Facebook or Twitter.

If you aren’t already a subscriber, to receive this newsletter each month, subscribe here or follow this blog (right) for more frequent posts and information. Weekday private training sessions will resume 7 January. Send me an email to schedule your training session.

We look forward to training you!
Karl, Penny and the KR Training team

A testimonial from Greg Ellifritz of Active Response Training about Karl Rehn and John Daub's book, Strategies and Standards for Defensive Handgun Training.