Welcome to the KR Training February 2019 newsletter!
Many March classes are already sold out. We’ve added more classes to our April schedule. Don’t miss the opportunity to sign up now for any classes on the schedule. Check the schedule page on the KR Training website for the full list of upcoming classes.
February was even busier than January. We had classes every weekend including a visit from John Murphy of FPF Training (Virginia) and an M&P gunsmith class taught by Hank Fleming. I have lots of pics and video from those courses but have been busy working multiple big projects related to events in the next few months. I’m teaching at the Rangemaster Tactical Conference in March, and multiple KR Training team members are teaching at the A Girl and A Gun National Conference in April. We’ll have more about those events and more information about the projects in development in next month’s newsletter.
11 New Coin Holders
During the February 9th Defensive Pistol Skills 3 and Personal Tactics Skills classes, 11 students completed requirements for the Defensive Pistol Skills program challenge coin. Several more students will be earning coins during March classes. Congratulations to everyone!
Beyond the Basics / Long Gun Skill Builder – March 23
Space is still available in March 23rd Handgunning Beyond the Basics (BTB) and Long Gun Skill Builder classes. BTB is NOT a ‘basics’ class. It is a mandatory course in the Defensive Pistol Skills program, teaching how to increase speed and accuracy. The material in BTB is NOT covered anywhere else in our program. It’s suitable for graduates of Basic Pistol 2 and up, and particularly useful to those trying to push their skills past the DPS-3 level and/or those shooting matches and wanting to improve their scores.
Long Gun Skill Builder is 2 hours of drills with your rifle or pistol caliber carbine. It’s scheduled back to back with BTB so you can get 2 hours of long gun training in along with the 4-hour pistol class. Sign up for both classes March 23rd, pay in full in advance and save $20 ($140 for
Basic Pistol 1 & 2 Ladies – March 30
On March 30 Tracy
April classes added
April 6 (Saturday) – Defensive Pistol Skills 2
April 14 (Sunday) – Dynamic First Aid
April 20 (Saturday) – Defensive Pistol Skills 3
April 26 (Friday) – Defensive Shotgun w/ Tom Givens (loaner shotguns available)
April 27 & 28 (Sat/Sun) – Intensive Pistol Skills w/ Tom Givens (his level 2 pistol class)
More info available on the KR Training website.
If you’ve taken DPS-2 or higher classes, Tom Givens’ Intensive Pistol Skills will push you to the next level. It’s not a repeat of DPS-level material. It may be several years before we host this particular course in his program again. If you haven’t trained with Tom but you’ve heard us talk about him, this is an excellent opportunity to train with him.
You can also follow KR Training on Facebook or Twitter to see our favorite blog content from other authors as we post it. Due to a very heavy schedule this month, Blog-O-Rama is on hiatus. Want to see articles we’ve shared? Follow KR Training on Facebook where we post the links when they are fresh and current.
We look forward to training you!
Karl, Penny and the KR Training team
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