KR Training January/February 2025 Newsletter


We have scheduled most of the classes we plan to offer through April 2025 with plans to add a few more based on student inquiries. Weekday private lessons are available with Karl at the A-Zone, by appointment on any gun, at any level on any topic we offer. Some classes on our calendar have already sold out and aren’t listed below.

Upcoming classes and events with space available:

    FEBRUARY 2025


    On Saturday, February 8, Dave Reichek (Rangemaster-certified Advanced Shotgun Instructor) will offer two half day shotgun courses. Shotgun 1 is suitable for anyone with any shotgun and is an introduction to defensive shotgun basics. Shotgun 2 is suitable for graduates of any of our previous shotgun courses – and if you’ve taken any of our full day or level 2 shotgun classes in the past, you can re-take the October Shotgun 2 course for half price!

    Home Defense Tactics and Shooting Skills

    We know that most of our students don’t carry “on body” in public as often as they should, and the #1 concern of most new gun owners is home defense. So we designed a new Home Defense Tactics and Shooting Skills course that doesn’t require a holster, suitable for anyone that has passed our Basic Pistol course and/or the carry permit class. It teaches home defense concepts and skills that aren’t covered in the basic or carry permit courses. The class can be taken with loaner guns as pistol only, or using both your home defense pistol and long gun (rifle or shotgun). Topics include:

    Home physical security – locks, lights, cameras and alarms, as they relate to an armed homeowner.
    Range practice accessing your gun from a box, moving to cover and engaging threats.
    Tactical movement aka “house clearing” – how to do it and when to do it

    Everyone in class will get a run in our shoot house using our 3D reactive targets, an experience you can’t get at any commercial range. Here’s a sample video from January’s defensive match.

    So far, interest in this course has been low. I don’t know if it’s because newly graduated Basic Pistol/carry permit students don’t feel “ready” to attend, or because higher level students think the class will be “too basic” We designed this class to be the course the 99% of carry permit holders that have never taken a class beyond the state minimum would benefit from attending. It teaches the skills they are most likely to use, offering an opportunity to practice with their home defense pistol, with optional rifle/shotgun drills. It includes material and drills that aren’t in any of our other classes. I encourage everyone to share the info about this 3 hour, inexpensive class with your gun-owning, non-training friends so awareness of this new course will reach its intended audience.

    MARCH 2025

    Top 10 Drills

    Our Top 10 drills class is a quick evaluation of your skills and a great tune-up session. Drill 1 starts with basic marksmanship and each drill after that adds skills and time pressure. It’s suitable for anyone that’s completed our Defensive Pistol Skills 1 class (which is why it’s paired with that course in March). Many students take the Top 10 Drills class every year as their annual refresher.

    GUEST INSTRUCTORS 2025 (check our schedule for more information)

    • Massad Ayoob Group MAG-20 range April 10-11
    • Massad Ayoob Group MAG-80 April 12-16 (5 day course)
    • Close Quarters Shooting Instructor – Greg Ellifritz June 7-8
    • Gabe White Pistol Shooting Solutions – June 21-22
    • Pistol Skill Development w/ Greybeard Actual July 12-13
    • Defensive Knife Instructor – Greg Ellifritz August 23-24
    • John Holschen Sept 13-14
    • No Fail Pistol (Chuck Pressburg) Oct 4-5
    • Rangemaster Instructor Development Oct 9-11
    • Rangemaster Advanced Instructor Development Oct 12-13

    Courses marked with *** are classes that count toward the Defensive Pistol Skills Program challenge coin.
    Prices and registration links are at

    Click HERE to register for any class.


    Karl and Dave Reichek did some volunteer coaching for the Texas A&M Corps of Cadets Marksmanship Unit in January. Doug Greig was awarded a scholarship to attend Gunsite in 2025 by the Jeff Cooper Legacy Foundation. Karl represented KR Training at the “Skip the Line” fundraiser for the Central Texas Food Bank event organized by Paul Martin.


    I have collected up all the discount codes we have set up with vendors we recommend. Alumni of KR Training classes will find them in the monthly e-news email. You’ll have to open the email and scroll to the bottom to find them. It’s a reward for actually opening and reading the email!


    Re-take any class you’ve taken before for half price! Contact me to get the alumni discount code. Firearms skills deteriorate without practice. Most ranges don’t allow drawing from a holster, shooting quickly, moving or shooting from cover. If you don’t practice the skills you learned in class, they won’t be there when you need them.


    All the articles you missed if you don’t follow the KR Training Facebook page and Instagram feed. John Daub and Paul Martin have both stepped back from blogging, so at the moment Uncle Zo and I are the only KR Training staff actively writing. Some of my writing is being published on the NRA’s Shooting Illustrated website (two articles linked below). Greg Ellfritz has been writing a lot recently, in addition to his Weekend Knowledge Dump, and I have included some of his recent articles here.


    Texas’s best Chicago tribute band “Changes”, performed at a big benefit show in Bryan in November. We featured guest vocalist Anna Cargill from Austin on several songs, including the classic “I’ve Been Searching So Long”.


    Keep up with the interesting articles, links, and stories we share in real time. Follow KR Training on Facebook, Instagram or X. Subscribe to this newsletter or follow this blog (right) for more frequent posts and information. Send me an email to schedule your private weekday training session.

    We look forward to training you!
    Karl, Penny and the KR Training team