Welcome to the KR Training July 2018 newsletter!
Check the schedule page on the KR Training website for the full list of upcoming classes.
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KR Training, in collaboration with Dvorak Instruments, Walther Arms, and Paulus Consulting, will be offering students an opportunity to evaluate the Walther PPQ M2 pistol and the CoolFire Trainer simulated recoil system.
The event, to be held August 4th from 9-12 at the A-Zone Range, will be a beta test for a possible new research study, evaluating the relative benefit of the CoolFire product vs. live fire for shooter development. All guns and ammo will be provided. Event is open to up to 24 participants. Event cost is $20. Pre-registration and payment in full in advance is required.
Basic & LTC Courses
- Basic Pistol 1/ Gun Selection Clinic – Aug 25 (Daub) Take both for $120 and save $15.*
- Handgun Coaching / Texas License to Carry (LTC) course – Sept 8 & 9 (Maldonado) Take both for $110 and save $20.*
- Defensive Long Gun Essentials/ Long Gun Skill Builder – Sept 15 Take both for $100 and save $25.*
- School Safety/ Active Shooter – Orange Gun Club, Orange, TX, Sept 29-30
- Summer USPSA matches – Aug 8 & 22
Defensive Skills Program
- Defensive Pistol Skills 3 – August 11
- Beyond the Basics: Pistol / Skill Builder – Sept 22. Take both for $120 and save $30.*
- Basic Pistol 2/ Defensive Pistol Skills 1 – Sept 29 (Daub) Take both for $160 and save $40.*
Advanced Classes & Guest Instructors
- CoolFire / Walther Demo & Evaluation – August 4
- AT-4: Pistol Skills Development/ AT-6: Pistol Workout – Sept 16 Take both for $150 and save $25.*
*Refresher slots half price on all classes. Must pay in advance, in full to receive discounted prices for combo registrations.
In September, Karl will make a trip to Denver, CO to tape an episode of the Outdoor Channel’s Shooting Gallery TV show. That episode will focus on the Historical Handgun course.
KR Training shooting team captain Roy Stedman was 2nd overall in Classic, first Senior, 3rd in the shootoffs and part of the Team USA Classic division win at the 2018 Pan American IPSC Championship held in Jamaica.
As a result of classifier scores submitted from the summer A-Zone matches, Karl Rehn promoted to Grand Master in the Pistol Caliber Carbine Division of USPSA, giving him Grand Master ratings in 5 of USPSA’s 8 divisions.
Karl Rehn placed 4th overall in the main match and shootoff at the Rangemaster NW Regional Tactical Conference.
- Beyond the Basics: Pistol 7/22/2018 AAR
- S&W SD9VE – early impressions
- A special day in KR Training history
Don’t miss future blog posts! Visit our blog site to sign up, and they’ll come straight to your email.
- Unintentional Discharges Project – Part 3, Kathy Jackson, Cornered Cat
- Teachers, school staff confront “shooter” training drills, San Antonio Express-News
- Driver shot after gun accidentally discharges inside Bryan home, KBTX.com
- Man dies after being sucker-punched in Chili’s parking lot, Austin police say, Statesman.com
- You need a better holster, Greg Ellifritz, Active Response Training
- Book Review: Straight Talk on Armed Defense, Greg Ellifritz, Active Response Training
- Houston PD: Pistol Red Dot Sights Approved for Duty Use, The Firearm Blog
- July 2018 Rangemaster Newsletter, Tom Givens
- Gun Owners of America Hires Staffer in Austin, GunOwners.org
- Registration Open for Rangemaster Tactical Conference 2019 (New Orleans), Tom Givens
- Gear Review: SightLines ear pro inserts for Howard Leight Impact Sport, Guns.com
- Tom Givens on the importance of inspecting your carry ammo
- Concealed Carry Skills & Drills – The Book, Claude Werner, The Tactical Professor
- Man describes finding intruder with hatchet in his bed, Statesman.com
- “Good guys with guns:” Oklahomans kill active shooter, and it’s not as simple as it sounds, Washington Post
- Weekend Knowledge Dump – July 20, 2018, Greg Ellifritz, Active Response Training
The KR Training schedule shows most of the classes we plan to offer through late October 2018 and even a few already scheduled for 2019. Registration is open for everything listed.
Thank you for sending your friends and family to train with us. Your referrals keep our classes full and help us continue to offer in-demand classes that specifically address the needs of responsible armed citizens. Remember, now you can train with even more purpose through the KR Training Defensive Pistol Skills Program. Start working to earn your coin now.
We look forward to training you!
Karl, Penny and the KR Training team