Welcome to the KR Training March 2019 newsletter!
April and
The training season is in full swing at the A-Zone Range. More info here.
KR Training Standards Book Now Available

KR Training instructors Karl Rehn and John Daub recently wrote the book, “Strategies and Standards for Defensive Handgun Training.” It’s available by ordering directly from KR Training (signed copies are $20, paypal to [email protected]) or through
Karl discussed the book on the Civilian Carry Radio and Guardian Nation podcasts in March, and he’ll be on the American Warrior Society podcast in April.
Welcome our newest team member!
Sean Hoffman has officially joined the KR Training team, sharing his decades of military and law enforcement experience and passion for training with us. Some of you have met him when he assisted or attended spring classes this year.
Defensive Pistol Skills 2 & 3
Space is still available in the April 20 Defensive Pistol Skills 3 classes. The April 6 Defensive Pistol Skills 2 has sold out. These are mandatory courses in the Defensive Pistol Skills program. Earn your challenge coin by signing up for these classes soon. Our summer training schedule is filling
Dynamic First Aid w/ Caleb Causey
Caleb Causey of Lone Star Medics returns to the A-Zone Sunday, April 14 for his one day Dynamic First Aid class. This course is suitable for all levels and all ages, teaching a wide range of first aid skills from basic to trauma care (tourniquets and other ‘stop the bleed’ skills).
A Girl and a Gun Conference 2019
Multiple instructors from the KR Training team will be presenting training at the annual A Girl and a Gun national conference in April. Karl Rehn, John Kochan and Tracy Thronburg will each present sessions at this year’s event.
Rangemaster Tactical Conference 2019
I attended and presented at the 2019 Rangemaster Tactical Conference, finishing in the top 5 in the main match and making the top 16 shootoff. The sessions I attended and other information about the event can be found here: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4.
The event is open to all. It’s not just for trainers to attend. It’s a 3 day buffet of short courses from dozens of national level trainers – the best training deal in the country each year. Follow Rangemaster on Facebook or subscribe to their newsletter to make sure you get the early announcement when registration for 2020 opens. It sells out quickly.
Rangemaster Classes
KR Training is hosting Tom Givens of Rangemaster April 26 for Defensive Shotgun and April 27-28 for Intensive Pistol Skills. These classes are almost full. If you’ve taken DPS-2 or higher classes, Tom Givens’ Intensive Pistol Skills will push you to the next level. It’s not a repeat of DPS-level material. It may be several years before we host this particular course in his program again. If you haven’t trained with Tom but you’ve heard us talk about him, this is an excellent opportunity to train with him.
Rangemaster Instructor Reunion
On the first weekend of May, we are hosting the annual Rangemaster Instructor Reunion. This (sold out) event is limited only to Rangemaster-certified instructors.
May 11 – Basic Pistol 2 (8-12p) – Daub, Hoffman
May 11 – Defensive Pistol Skills 1 (1-5p) – Daub, Hoffman
May 18 – Handgun Beyond Basics (8-12p) – Rehn
May 18 – Intro to Competition Pistol (1-5p) – Rehn
May 25 – Defensive Pistol Small Gun (9-12) – Rehn
May 25 – Skill Builder Pistol (1-3p) – Rehn
More info is available on the KR Training website.
- Advanced Pistol Practice Announcement, Claude Werner, The Tactical Professor
- Weekend Knowledge Dump – March 1, 2019, Greg Ellifritz, Active Response Training
- Weaponlights: Do They Belong on a CCW Gun?, Tamara Keel for Shooting Illustrated
- The New FBI Qualification Course, Greg Ellifritz, Active Response Training
- Weekend Knowledge Dump – March 8, 2019, Greg Ellifritz, Active Response Training
- The CDC’s Gun Injury Data is Becoming Even Less Reliable, FiveThirtyEight.com
- The Serpa Compendium, Greg Ellifritz, Active Response Training
- The 2-3-4 Rule, Lee Weems, ThatWeemsGuy.com
- Friends Don’t Let Friends Open Carry, Greg Ellifritz, Active Response Training
- Bibliophilia., SportsFirings.com
- The Gas Station Clerk, Greg Ellifritz, Active Response Training
- Weekend Knowledge Dump – March 22, 2019, Greg Ellifritz, Active Response Training
- Down Range Radio #619: Report From The 2019 Tactical Conference, Michael Bane, Down Range TV
- Debunking the Myth of the 10,000-Hours Rule: What it Actually Takes to Reach Genius-Level Excellence, Brainpickings.org
- Don’t Dig the Rig #21, Greg Ellifritz, Active Response Training
- The CDC is Lying to You, The Zelman Partisans
- Center Mass in a Three-Dimensional World, Moderno.com
- SixGun/Fast Draw book reviews, Notes from KR (this blog)
You can also follow KR Training on Facebook or Twitter to see our favorite blog content from other authors as we post it. Want to see articles we’ve shared? Follow KR Training on Facebook where we post the links when they are fresh and current.
We look forward to training you!
Karl, Penny and the KR Training team
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