The Rangemaster Northwest Regional Tactical Conference was put on by Tom Givens and the Rangemaster crew, in collaboration with Marty Hayes and the Firearms Academy of Seattle, July 27-29, 2018. I’ve been a part of the Rangemaster conferences since the early 2000’s, and Tom invited me to present both the 4 hour classroom and 4 hour live fire portions of my Historical Handgun course at the NW Tac Con.
This is the third in a series of 3 after-action reports covering the things I saw and did at the conference. Day 1 AAR is here. Day 2 AAR is here.
I attended the 4 hour lecture part of John Murphy’s “CCW Skills Beyond the Gun” session. KR Training will be hosting John for two 1-day courses in February 2019. John is a very entertaining, engaging presenter and his class was full of excellent content.
I was in the top 16 shootoff, doing well in the first few bouts, but finally getting bumped out (ending up 4th overall) by Chris Harold (3rd), Will Parker (2nd) and Gabe White (1st). John Holschen’s wife Martha won the ladies shootoff (and the ladies’ match). Three of the top 4 shooters in the shootoff (me, Chris and Gabe) were in my Historical Handgun live fire class on Day 2.
It was held on one of the FAS bays that had a Bianchi plate rack and a variety of steel – most of which was used for the shootoff.
The remainder of the final afternoon was spent in a medical class with Dr. Sherman House. I had taken a 2 day medical class from Sherman and Paul Gomez many years ago, and it was great to get more training from Dr. House at the conference. This class included discussion of how to use available items (neck tie and a pen, for example) to render aid when purpose-built medical supplies were not available (tourniquet, pressure dressing).
About 1/3 the size of the main Tactical Conference held earlier this year, (limited due to capacity of the FAS facility and a smaller number of trainers presenting) the NW Regional event ran very smoothly, with perfect weather and great support from host Marty Hayes and his entire Firearms Academy of Seattle team. Everyone I talked to was excited and interested in the rumor that there might be another NW Regional event in 2020. I took several additional days before and after the conference to enjoy the Pacific Northwest area and escape the Texas summer heat.
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