KR Training December 2020 Newsletter


Ammunition has become very expensive and hard to get. As a result we have reduced the rounds requires for most classes, and will continue to offer many defensive skills courses that have no live fire component. Live fire is fun but not essential for learning or developing skills. Taking classes with .22 caliber guns will be allowed, and dry firing is always a good way to maintain and develop skills.


Here are the classes we have scheduled through end of March. We have reduced round counts and in some cases reduced class hours and prices. Some weekends were left open to add more courses as students request them or to reschedule in case of weather cancellations.

Don’t see the class you want here? Let us know. Many classes can be taught as weekday private lessons, or we can add it to the schedule if there’s enough interest.


The 2 hour Online LTC Completion class is an hour of indoor lecture and dryfire work, plus 50 rounds of practice drills and one run on the 50 round LTC shooting test. The drills are the same ones we run in our Basic Pistol 2 course, and by using a more challenging target and starting with pistol holstered, the drills are excellent practice for more advanced shooters.

The updated course now fills 3 roles in our program:

  1. Online LTC completion for those taking LTC for the first time.
  2. Basic Pistol 2. The course includes all the drills from Basic Pistol 2 with a much shorter lecture. Students must pass the LTC shooting test with a score of 90% or higher to earn a Basic Pistol 2 certificate.
  3. LTC / Defensive Pistol refresher. Graduates of Basic Pistol 2 and/or LTC holders can shoot the drills and test on the B-27 or more difficult IDPA or KRT-2 target. Graduates of DPS-1 or higher classes can run the drills and test starting with pistol holstered from open carry or concealed.

This short, $60, 100 round course is a perfect winter tuneup for all levels of students.


On January 30-31, international (Texas-based) trainer Hock Hockheim will be visiting us to teach a Vehicle Gunfighting course. This two day, $300, 200 round class will include live fire, Airsoft/Simunition work, and lecture on fighting with firearms in and around vehicles. This is a pistol-only class (no long guns). Space in this course is limited and registration is open.

Register for any class using our online system.

GOA Texas Activist Online Training

Gun Owners of America are offering free online training for those interested in being more politically active during the upcoming legislative session. Three 1-hour courses will be offered in December. Click here to sign up for updates about these courses.

  • Thursday, December 10: Your Lifeline – the TLO Website. Learn to navigate the Texas Legislature Online website to find all the TXLege information you need without moving off of your couch.
  • Thursday, December 17: Talking to Legislators — Learn to advocate for your beliefs through phone calls, emails, meetings, and in testimony at committee hearings – and discover the most effective way to use your time.


In case you missed it, here’s what we’ve been blogging about in November:


My own holiday tradition is to perform with Doc Tictock and the Mistletoe Medicine Show out at Santa’s Wonderland in south College Station. This is us playing our version of “Feliz Navidad”.

Santa’s is the largest Christmas attraction in the South, more than 100 acres of lights and activities – this year’s expansion includes an ice skating rink, to complement the real snow mountain for tubing and more than 3 million lights on the hay ride trail. If you come on a weeknight (I play Tue-Thu every week through Christmas week) it’s less crowded with shorter lines.

Keep up with the interesting articles, links, and stories we share in real time. Follow KR Training on Facebook or Twitter. Subscribe to this newsletter or follow this blog (right) for more frequent posts and information. Send me an email to schedule your private weekday training session.

We look forward to training you!
Karl, Penny and the KR Training team