As you’ll see from this newsletter, we’ve been busy, and most of the classes we’ve scheduled have been selling out. We just added more classes to our April-June schedule, with more to be added next month as we work out our summer and fall plans.
I am available for private weekday training. Doug Greig is also available for private weekday and some weekend sessions. Contact us for details.
We have migrated all our class registrations to ShootingClasses.com, which provides a better interface for users and simplified back end processing of rosters and payments for us. The major update to the KR Training main website is almost complete and should be announced next month.
Upcoming classes with space available:
- **Defensive Pistol Skills 2 – March 11, 1p-5p
- **AT2 Force on Force Scenarios – March 12, 1p-5p
- Intermediate Rifle Skills – March 26, 10a-4p
- **Defensive Pistol Skills 3 (NRA CCW) – April 1, 9a-3p
- **Red Dot Pistol 1 – April 2, 9a-1p
- **Red Dot Pistol 2 – April 2, 2p-6p
- **Handgun Beyond Basics – April 8, 9a-1p
- **Top 10 Drills – April 8, 2p-4p
- **Basic Pistol 2 (LTC Completion) – April 15, 9a-noon
- **Defensive Pistol Skills 1 – April 15, 1p-5p
- Defensive Shotgun (Tom Givens) – April 27, 9a-5p
- Instructor Development Course (Tom Givens) – April 28-30
- **Basic Pistol 1 – May 6, 9a-noon
- **Personal Tactics Skills – May 6, 1p-5p
- Basic Rifle Skills – May 7, 9a-3p
- **Competition Pistol 1 – May 20, 9a-4p
- Shotgun 2 – June 10, 9a-4p
- Intermediate Rifle Skills – June 11, 9a-4p
- Force on Force Instructor (Culpeper, Virginia) – June 9
- Tactical Scenarios (Culpeper, Virginia) – June 10
- **Advanced Handgun (Culpeper, Virginia – June 11
- Tac Med Every Day Carry (Lone Star Medics) – August 5
- Close Quarters Pistol (Greg Ellifritz) – August 12, 9a-5p
- The Explosive Threat (Greg Ellifritz) – August 13, 1p-5p
Courses marked with *** are classes that count toward the Defensive Pistol Skills Program challenge coin.
Prices and registration links are at www.krtraining.com
Click HERE to register for any class.

In the AT2 Force on Force Scenarios course, we run students through more than a dozen different scenarios (home defense, 7-11 and restaurant). They interact with live roleplayers using a variety of simulated weapons, from rubber band guns to SIRT laser guns to firearms equipped with Simunition conversion kits. Very few trainers offer this type of instruction, which is more realistic than any live fire course where students shoot stationary paper or steel targets. A few slots are available for our March 12 class.
Due to the high cost of keeping the videos hosted on Vimeo, Paul and I are going to shut down our Vimeo archive of more than 10 hours of material from his Preparedness Conferences. The videos will be available until March 1. We do not plan to re-host them as free content on youTube, so they will be gone when the Vimeo account closes. All the videos are available as a download for $50.
I attended and passed the DPS First Responder Instructor course in January 2023. I was a guest on the CCW Safe Podcast. Part 2 of my episode can be heard here.
I also traveled to Baton Rouge to teach a Force on Force instructor course, and full day of scenarios in their terrific 2 story shoot house.
Paul Martin hosted another fundraiser for the Central Texas Food Bank, in conjunction with Franklin’s BBQ in Austin. KR Training donated $500 in gift certificates and books to the auction.
Dave Reichek attended and passed the Rangemaster Shotgun Instructor course. An AAR of that class is here.
Here’s some video clips from the recent Two Person Team Tactics course. If there’s interest we’ll offer it again in the fall.
John and Karl have added a lot of content to our Strategies and Standards for Defensive Pistol book. The updated text is with the proof reader, and we anticipate having print and e-book copies of the new edition available in early March.
Most of the KR Training team will be attending the Rangemaster Tactical Conference in Dallas in March, with Karl and John Daub both presenting blocks of training again this year. TacCon will be in Dallas in 2024. This 3 day event provides attendees with the opportunity to learn from more than 2 dozen top national trainers. When registration opens for the 2024 event, we will post the link on our Facebook page. It typically sells out within a month of registration opening. Many KR Training students have attended in the past, and we encourage everyone to consider signing up. TacCon has been an annual event for the past 25 years, but nobody knows how many more years it will continue, as Tom Givens reduces the number of classes and events he is doing as he approaches retirement.
Karl, who was recently appointed to the board of directors of the Armed Citizens Legal Defense Network, will be at the ACLDN booth for the NRA Annual Meeting in Indianapolis in April.
One of the bands I play with, “Changes – A Chicago Tribute Band” played a sold out show at the Grand Stafford Theater in downtown Bryan in January. Here’s our version of Colour My World, with me on piano and vocals, and Michael Fortunato on flute.
Keep up with the interesting articles, links, and stories we share in real time. Follow KR Training on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. Subscribe to this newsletter or follow this blog (right) for more frequent posts and information. Send me an email to schedule your private weekday training session.
We look forward to training you!
Karl, Penny and the KR Training team