This newsletter includes information on a lot of classes we’ve added to the schedule for March, April, May and June. Waiting for a particular class? Let us know and we’ll try to find a date for it in our remaining open dates!
I am available for private weekday training. Doug Greig is also available for private weekday and some weekend sessions. Contact us for details.
Re-take any class you’ve taken before for half price! Contact me to get the alumni discount code. Firearms skills deteriorate without practice. Most ranges don’t allow drawing from a holster, shooting quickly, moving or shooting from cover. If you don’t practice the skills you learned in class, they won’t be there when you need them.
I will be in Ohio at Mushin SST teaching 3 classes April 12-14: Force on Force Instructor, Tactical Scenarios (all FOF), and Advanced Handgun. Slots are available in all 3 of those road courses.
2024 CLASSES Upcoming Texas classes with space available:
- Basic Pistol 1 – March 2, 9a-noon (Rehn)
- **Defensive Pistol Skills 2 – March 16, 1p-5p (Rehn)
- **AT-2 FOF Scenarios – March 17, 1p-5p (Rehn)
- **Low Light Shooting 1 – March 17, 6p-9p (Rehn)
- **Defensive Pistol Skills 1 – March 23, 9a-1p (Rehn)
- **Top 10 Drills – March 23, 2p-4p (Rehn)
- **Handgun Beyond Basics – March 30, 9a-1p (Rehn)
- **Top 10 Drills Level 2 – March 30, 2p-4p (Rehn)
- Basic Pistol 1 – April 6, 9a-noon (Howard)
- **Basic Pistol 2 – April 6, 1p-4p (Howard)
- PTG 3D Approach to Defensive Shooting- April 12 (Palisades Training Group)
- PTG Defensive Carbine – April 13 (Palisades Training Group)
- PTG Defensive Shotgun – April 14 (Palisades Training Group)
- **Appendix Carry Inside the Waistband Carry Skills – April 27, 9a-1p (Daub)
- **Personal Tactics Skills – April 27, 2p-6p (Daub)
- Church Security Conference (Austin) – April 26-27
- **School and Church Security Range Session – April 28 2p-6p (Rehn)
- Dynamic First Aid – May 11 (Causey)
- Rangemaster Instructor – May 24-26 (Givens)
- Historical Handgun – May 27 (Givens/Rehn)
- TCOLE Firearms Instructor Course – June 4-8 (Wise)
- Handgun Foundations – June 8 (Wise)
- Massad Ayoob Group MAG 20 Range – August 8-9 (Thronburg)
- Massad Ayoob Group MAG 20 Lecture – August 10-11 (Ayoob)
Courses marked with *** are classes that count toward the Defensive Pistol Skills Program challenge coin.
Prices and registration links are at www.krtraining.com
Click HERE to register for any class.
AT-2 Force on Force Scenarios March 17, 1p-5p
The AT-2 scenarios course is the most important course we offer in our Defensive Pistol Skills Program, but it’s the hardest to convince people to attend. The course is traditional scenario based training: gun, pepper spray, communication. It is not “combatives” style training like you may have seen in videos. No wresting, no grappling, or unarmed fighting skills are required or even allowed. You don’t need to have a one second draw or any special skill level to attend.
Think of the class as a full dress rehearsal for an actual incident: live roleplayers you have to interact with. You have to make conversation, decide if or when it’s appropriate to de-escalate or use deadly force, communicate with 911 dispatchers, responding officers and bystanders. Students in the class will participate in more than a dozen different scenarios, some with the SIRT laser guns and some with Airsoft and Simunition gear. You will get to “do what you would do”, be the bad guy, and other roles.

The most common mistakes armed citizens make in defensive gun use incidents are not related to draw speed or shooting accuracy. They are errors in judgment: deciding to “go to guns” at the wrong time, muzzling an innocent person, saying the wrong thing to a potential threat, bystanders, or responding police. Being good at shooting does not automatically make you good at the other skills. You can’t learn the non-shooting skills in a pure shooting class. That’s why we offer the scenario based training — and we are one of a very few schools in Texas (and in the country) that offer true armed-citizen-focused scenarios.

We only offer the scenario classes twice a year – once in the spring, and once in the fall. I encourage everyone to take advantage of the upcoming AT-2 class. If you need more motivation, you can’t earn our Defensive Pistol Skills Program challenge coin without attending this class.
March 17 Low Light Shooting 1 – new session added
We added another session of Low Light Shooting 1, to be offered the evening after the AT-2 scenarios course. The low light class will be live fire. We won’t offer this class again until fall 2024.
Church Security Podcast and April Conference
I was a guest on the Church Security podcast earlier this month. Listen to the episode here
The podcast hosts are putting on a 2 day conference in Austin in April I will be speaking at the conference and the Sunday Church Security Shooting Skills class is an optional part of the event as well.
The cost of the conference is very reasonable and they have a lot of great speakers lined up.
We are hosting Palisades Training Group for 3 one day courses in mid-April. Lead instructor Steve Moses and Doug Greig (who is an assistant for PTG and KR Training) will offer these classes:
3D Approach to Defensive Shooting (Friday April 12, 1p-5p)
Defensive Carbine (Saturday April 13, all day)
Defensive Shotgun (Sunday April 14, all day)
If you’ve taken our courses on these topics, they would be a great refresher from a different perspective, and of course they are suitable for those that have never taken courses in these topics before.
I have collected up all the discount codes we have set up with vendors we recommend. Alumni of KR Training classes will find them in the monthly e-news email. You’ll have to actually open the email and scroll to the bottom to find them. It’s a reward for actually opening and reading the email!
All the articles you missed if you don’t follow the KR Training Facebook page and Instagram feed.
- APD officer shortage leaves part of East Austin w/o patrol (Fox 7 News)
- Jeremy Sylestine challenges anti-police DA in Democrat primary (MSN)
- The Wisconsin LEO Pistol Qual Course (Notes from KR)
- The Shirt Target from 1929 (Notes from KR)
- Definitive Guide to Flying with Guns (Active Response Training)
- So You’ve Decided to Build a Bug Out Vehicle (Paul Martin)
- Machete attack in Austin park (Ammoland)
- Moving Targets for Better Shooting (Notes from KR)
- 14 Things Everyone Should Understand About Guns (The Federalist)
- 1931 S&W Revolver Shooting Tips (Notes from KR)
- Time To Be a Patriot (Paul Martin)
Back in November the Black Cat Choir played a Sunday afternoon show at the Vintage Hideaway near Round Top, Texas. It was our 3rd show that weekend, and the band was in great form. We recorded multitrack audio, but nobody recorded any video (sorry). I’ve been making some music visualizer videos from those tracks. This one is our cover of Stevie Ray Vaughan’s “Leave My Little Girl Alone”, featuring me on organ and John Holmes on guitar and vocal.
Keep up with the interesting articles, links, and stories we share in real time. Follow KR Training on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. Subscribe to this newsletter or follow this blog (right) for more frequent posts and information. Send me an email to schedule your private weekday training session.
We look forward to training you!
Karl, Penny and the KR Training team