Caught between COVID restrictions on class sizes and ammo shortages, we are also seeing the highest demand for training we’ve had in 29 years in business. We are offering courses on every weekend between now and end of October, and have multiple instructors teaching private sessions at the A-Zone and at locations from Conroe to Georgetown and Lampasas. Training is available at any level, including LTC online completion. Contact us to request a specific class.
Many of you have shared your frustrations about the ammunition shortage and price-gouging, and we share those frustrations. We added a reloading clinic at the end of August for those of you who asked, and we’re happy to offer that class again if you let us know that you’re interested.
We also know how important it is to have recent and relevant training and practice. If ammunition is preventing you from attending classes or getting to the range (or even if it’s not), it’s a good time to explore options for dry-fire practice that supports and reinforces skills you’ve recently learned.
Ben Stoeger’s dry fire book and scaled dryfire targets are excellent, as is Annette Evans’ Dry Fire Primer book. Here’s a link to an article by Massad Ayoob about dry-fire safety.
Our friends with Immersive Training Solutions are offering individual and group sessions using their VIRTRA video simulator in the north Austin/Leander area.
You can buy a SIRT pistol using the code KRT10 from Next Level Training, or a CoolFire kit from CoolfireTrainer using the code REHN20.
You can use the Image Based Decisional Drills kit (get the special KR Training card pack!) in dry fire or live fire to build your rapid decision making skills.
Set up a productive training and practice regimen by taking these steps as soon as possible:
- Use Ammoseek.com to find 150-200 rounds of ammunition. Expect availability or shipping delays and higher prices.
- Contact us to schedule a private Handgun Coaching session for yourself, your family, or your small group with an instructor closest to you. Several of our instructors offer training at local ranges, as well as at the A-Zone Range.
- Take what you learn during that session and apply it to a daily dry-fire routine. Just five minutes a day, even with a “dead” trigger, can help you maintain or improve your skills. You can work on your concealment draw (perhaps the most important skill) without pressing the trigger at all. Work on drawing to a sight picture with the slack out of the trigger.
COVID affected our plans to run an August event, but many have concerns about the current pandemic and volatile political situation. Paul, Karl, and guest instructors Caleb Causey, Lee Weems, and others to be announced will be sharing new videos from now through the end of October (and possibly beyond). These videos are offered as Video On Demand via Vimeo. You can stream them or download them for a small per-video fee. The entire video series can be found here. The older content from the 2018 presentations is still available.
Handgunning Beyond Basics is one of the required courses in our Defensive Pistol Skills program. It’s not a beginner class. Tom Givens teaches that there are at least 3 types of shooting: “quickly, carefully, and precisely”. Quickly is for big targets in the 3-7 yard zone. Carefully is for small targets up close and big targets from 7-15 yards, and Precisely is for anything past 15 yards. Most shooters do not understand or apply those concepts, firing every shot with the same sight picture, with the same speed of trigger press, regardless of shot difficulty. The Handgunning Beyond the Basics course teaches all 3 modes and applies them to single and multiple targets at varying ranges. If you plan to earn your challenge coin, this course is required. If you want to shoot better on harder targets, this class will teach you how.
Legendary trainer Massad Ayoob will visit KR Training Sept 26-27 to teach his 2 day indoor lecture course, MAG-20 Armed Citizens Rules of Engagement. This class goes far beyond the material covered in the Texas License to Carry course and should be mandatory for any LTC instructor. Mas has worked hundreds of cases as an expert witness and has extensive experience dealing with all the aspects of preparing an armed citizen to make good use of force decisions and be able to defend them in court.
Due to COVID this class will be smaller than a normal MAG-20, with limited slots available, but a few slots are still open.
Many of the Sept-Oct classes are already sold out as we continue to operate under COVID restrictions on class size and student distancing (details here). The following classes still have spots available:
- Sept 5, 12p-2p, LTC Online Completion
- Sept 6, 9a-12a, Basic Pistol 1
- Sept 6, 1p-3p, Stop the Bleed
- Sept 19, Active Shooter
- Sept 19, 6p-9p, Low Light Shooting 1
- Sept 20, 1p-5p, Handgun Beyond Basics
- Sept 26-27, MAG-20 classroom (Ayoob)
- October 10, 9a-1p, Handgun Beyond Basics
- October 10, 2p-6p, Defensive Pistol Skills 2
- October 11, 9a-1p, Basic Pistol 2
- October 16, Force on Force instructor
- October 17, 8a-noon, Defensive Pistol Skills 2
- October 18, 12-6p, AT-5 Tactics Laboratory
- Oct 24, Defensive Pistol Skills 3
- October 24, 6p-9p, Low Light Shooting 2
- October 25, 9a-8p, Tactics-Based Land Navigation
- November 14, Cut N Stuff
- November 15, TacMed EDC “Mayhem”
Register for any class using our online system.
View our full schedule to see the 2021 classes that are now open for registration. Due to the agreement with our neighbors regarding live fire during deer season, the only live fire training we will offer at the A-Zone during those months will be mid-day, weekday private or group courses. Other team instructors working at other ranges will have some weekend training available.

Due to recent events across the country there is a demand for skills and tools required to survive violent mob attacks. One of the problems is that these violent mobs are using unconventional weapons against civilians and law enforcement alike; fire bombs, blunt objects (rocks and bricks), chemicals (acid, paint products), feces, pyrotechnics, and lasers that cause blindness. These attacks are not restricted to just downtown areas, they have made their way to residential neighborhoods. As their tactics change, so should yours to protect your family… which includes your own medical responses to such attacks.
This one day course provides solutions to injuries already witnessed as a result of these violent attacks. We’ll be covering the same subjects as previous Tac Med EDC courses, but with a focus on injuries related to mob attacks in your vehicle, your home, and at work.
Students are encouraged to bring their Get Home Bag, any med kit they already have, or other related preparedness gear to class. Scenarios will involve some skills and tools not medically related, but critical to surviving a mob attack.
If you don’t subscribe to this blog or follow us on Facebook, you may have missed these articles we posted in August. A very busy month of teaching, with a record number of weekday private lessons has limited our blogging.
Keep up with the interesting articles, links, and stories we share in real time. Follow KR Training on Facebook or Twitter. Subscribe to this newsletter or follow this blog (right) for more frequent posts and information. Send me an email to schedule your private weekday training session.
Tracy recently attended an indoor, low light/vehicle defense force on force class at the FRC Indoor Range and Training Facility in Baton Rouge, LA. Karl taught two classes for Buck and Doe’s range in San Antonio, assisted by Tim Reedy of TDR Training, was top pistol shooter in his first IDPA match in more than 20 years. Many of our staff instructors have been busy teaching private and small group classes, from Conroe to Georgetown to Giddings, as demand for License to Carry and beginner training hits record levels. DPS reports that they are receiving more than 1600 applications per day. At that rate, the number of permit holders in Texas could grow by 300,000 or more by the end of the year.
This month’s sample video of Karl performing live at Luigi’s in College Station, where he plays every Tuesday night (and occasionally live streams the performances on his personal Facebook page). This is his version of Otis Redding’s “You Don’t Miss Your Water”, in honor of August’s dry weather.
We look forward to training you!
Karl, Penny and the KR Training team