(From Paul Martin): Last week, the Greater Austin Crime Commission released a Crime in Austin report. Download it here. Citywide, aggravated assaults and individual robberies were up last year. Response times are slower, and traffic fatalities increased. Cutting 100 cops takes us back to 2015 staffing levels. Does that make sense in a rapidly growing city?
The link you will find most interesting if you live in or near Austin is here. Note the summary of the report for the first half of the year:
- Murder up by 64%
- Auto Theft up by 30%
- Robberies up by 16%
- Aggravated assault up by 14%
- Arson up by 9%
- Burglaries up by 8%
Remember – if you think crime happens “to other people,” rest assured that to someone else, YOU are “other people.” Take time this week to:
- Honestly and critically evaluate your own readiness and prevention measures for crime, both in and out of the home
- Determine what training you need to alleviate those deficiencies. Given the pandemic, you may have to resort to online training – it’s better than nothing
- Don’t limit your evaluation to just self defense needs – what first aid training do you need? Do you have enough fire extinguishers at your house and in your vehicle? What can you do to promote health and safety with your neighbors and community?
- Make any necessary changes in your habits or daily activities to reduce the risk to you.
If you appreciate the reporting below, consider getting on the Greater Austin Crime Commission’s email distribution list by going to their website It’s free to join. If you can, consider making a donation for the work they are doing. I have provided financial support to the Commission in the past.
(from Karl): Recently the head of the Austin Police Association advised officers to “do the minimum” while on duty, as protest against the attitudes and policies of local leadership regarding police and policing. With crime increasing, police staff reductions, limited response levels and slower response times, the importance of taking steps to minimize your risk and improve your abilities is high.
The KR Training Home Defense Tactics class is coming up August 15th, 2-5 pm. It’s an indoor lecture course (no shooting) that teaches how to do a security evaluation of your own home, and includes instruction on how to handle the “what if” scenarios that are most likely at home.
Lack of training leads to the actions that has gotten a St. Louis couple national attention and criminal charges. Stepping outside the home to confront an angry mob, using an unloaded rifle and fake gun was not good tactics, regardless of the legality of their actions. The Modern Service Weapons blog recently published an excellent article on this issue.
We also have slots still open in our August 8th Personal Tactics Skills class, which addresses all the “what if…” situations that can happen to people when they are away from home, in their vehicle or in a public place. That course includes instruction in selection and use of pepper spray. That course is also indoors, no shooting, no equipment required.
There is more to self-defense than just “have a gun and carry it”. If you read Claude Werner’s excellent book/ebook/audiobook “Serious Mistakes Gunowners Make“, you will learn that the training armed (and unarmed) citizens most need is instruction in tactics, not marksmanship and gunhandling. That’s why we offer these courses in addition to our traditional firearms skills classes.
The tactics courses can be attended by anyone, armed or unarmed, including teens and those with no interest in firearms who just want basic “how to avoid being a victim of crime” instruction.
If you don’t have time or interest in driving out to the A-Zone to attend a class, Lee Weems of First Person Safety is doing an online “Standing your Ground” course Saturday afternoon, July 25. You can register and attend that class by clicking this link.
Register for these courses by visiting the KR Training official website.
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